Thursday, September 8, 2011

"Be Still and Know That I Am God"

(Written Aug. 20)

My life is choc full of "newness;" my husband has started his career, we live in a new state, a new town,  a new house, go to a new ward (church), are trying to make new friends, will have a new baby, and have a new schedule, all of which is  forcing me to adopt a new attitude.
Change at any time in life is hard, and I guess I subconciously decided that I wanted to take on as much of it as possible at one time as I could. Shame on me for ever thinking it would be easy! Or did I?
For the most part I am a pretty content person. I find satisfaction in the small things and am happy to go along with plans that are thrown at me. So why is this move so hard? Why won't all of this newness sink in and become apart of my life?
There's a scripture in the Old Testament that the Lord used to teach Joseph Smith a lesson with. He explains, " still and know that I am God" (Doctrine and Covenants 101:16). Now if there is anyone I can think of in history that experienced a lot of "newness", Joseph would be the one, and if that counsil applied to him, then surely it can apply to me at this time.
While I wish I could make this new place and new adventure sink in and become a normal part of my life faster, I trust that as I take things one day at a time that the Lord will slowly open up my eyes and my heart, and will flawlessly take all of these "new" things and shape me into a better person.

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