Friday, June 29, 2012

A New Opportunity

Since Rich started working on wind turbines almost a year ago I've experienced a lot of change in my perspective. I've met some incredible people and created fond memories in places I never heard of until living there.
I've realized that my husband isn't the only husband out there that sacrifices extensive time and energy to put food on his family's table, that I'm not the only person out there who is in constant need of a friend and positive encouragement, and that good things can be found in the most unattractive places.
I've learned how to love a group of people I hardly know, but whom the Lord has asked me to serve. I've learned that kindness goes a long way, and that judgement is not mine to make (no matter how much I imperfectly want to pass it).
I've learned how to trust in the Lord and His timing. I've learned that He hears the righteous desires of our hearts, and compassionately answers them in His due time. I've learned the power of family and staying true to covenants made with God.
They've been taught to me in very unique, sometimes subtle, sometimes painful ways.
We have been praying hard for our priorities to be focused on the right things, for us to accept God's will, and for the opportunity to present itself for us to be able to have more family time. That prayer has been so mercifully heard. Rich has been offered a job that will not only give us more time as a family, but will place us closer to our families on the west coast! We feel graciously blessed and thrilled beyond explanation! We can hardly wait to move out to the Las Vegas, NV area and make it out new home for years to come.
There is joy to be found in the journey and dreams to be dreamt along the way. We are only beginning our journey, but feel it being guided by our dreams, priorities, and God.


  1. This is random of me coming across your blog, but I love seeing what you're up to now that we're both gone from Eden Prairie! Is Rich leaving Mortenson? What's this job that's taking you to Vegas?!! That's super exciting that you'll be closer to family!

  2. Hey! I'm glad you found it :) Rich is leaving Mortenson. He's going to be working with SouthWest Gas. We're super excited! The ridiculous hours of the REG just weren't good for our fam. It takes a heavy toll after a while. What are you guys' plans? Are they keeping you with REG for a while longer? How are you liking Oaklahoma?!
