Tuesday, November 20, 2012


In both the Bible and the Book of Mormon, we're taught to, "consider the lilies of the field." I've often wondered what this meant. I know the context of the scriptures are teaching us to trust Heavenly Father, but I have never understood the example of lilies. Today I finally did some extra studying to understand what this means.

Christ was commissioned by Heavenly Father to organize all things on earth. With this vast knowledge behind Him, I think it is very possible that He looked at all things and all people on the earth with different eyes- knowing the matter they were composed of and the divinity which lead to their creation. I imagine that with His knowledge, looking at a lily, He knew exactly what it was made of and how it was to function. He knew its needs and seasons for growth and decay. He knew what was around it to help it grow and develop, and knew why it was exactly where it was.

I think this is exactly how God views us. He knows what He created us with (our potential), He understands what we need to grow and what seasons we need in our lives for "pruning back." he understands perfectly our situations in life and surrounds us with people who can influence us and who we can influence in turn. It makes sense to trust this Being who knows us so completely. Often times we want to be stubborn and say, "I can do it on my own!" but God knows best- He truly understands what will help us reach our fullest potential and how we can be who He needs us to be.

I think that is what is meant by, "consider the lilies of the field."

I am so thankful for this God who knows me so personally. I am thankful He guides and prunes me according to my true divinity and potential. I will strive harder to trust in His arm for all my needs.

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