I live the good life, the best life. I haven't showered today, I have clothes that smell like baby spitup, and a toy car in my sweatshirt pocket. Yes, this is the good life.
I have a four-year degree gracefully poised on my book shelf and I don't mind. Being a stay-at-home mom is the best job I could possibly want. I am so grateful my circumstances allow me to do this. My joy is overflowing as I get to see my boys learn, grow, and develop. These two make me feel like a million bucks, but the best part about it is they have no idea!
We came home from playgroup this morning, and both boys were bushed. My heart felt so much love for my boys as I held both of them and tucked them into bed. It's moments like these where the phrase, "this is the good life" comes into my mind. And it's true. While I am grateful for my degree (and will be encouraging my girls strongly to get theirs!) being a mom is incredibly fulfilling. I honestly can't imagine life without my two bears (our "love" name for them).
Holding the title of "MOM" is pretty extraordinary, and I'm so glad that's my name.
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