Friday, October 18, 2013


One thing I learned in college is that truth is universal. No matter if it is spiritual or secular, truth is truth. And because of that I can have a meaningful moment with the Holy Ghost because whatever I am reading, listening to, or learning is exposing me to truth (which the Holy Ghost is meant to testify of). It is a powerful thing.

Tonight as I sat with my frozen yogurt in my lap perusing Pintrest until Ricky came up, I came across an interesting article about tantrums. As I read, that magical, pure, beautiful feeling came to my heart and whispered, "you're reading a truth."
(Article link:

I often think back to the best pre-mommy advice I have been given: "Do everything you can to qualify for the gift of the Holy Ghost." It has made all the difference. As I have deliberately sought the Holy Ghost to guide me in my parenting, it has found me and taught me the truths I need as a mother, wife, and friend.

I feel like a universal mom question is, "am I doing it right?" At least it's my question that I seem to pray about often. I am endlessly grateful for the confirmations I receive through the Holy Ghost that I'm doing okay.

The other day while reading the Friend to William during lunch time I had one of those moments- those pure, sweet, tears-pricking-my-eyes moments. I was experiencing a truth: what I was doing was right. Bam. That quick, that natural, that powerful. This has happened to me several times, and most leave me crying as I try to finish our story.

Another experience with truth has left me feeling answered. After having William, I felt like my attitude towards my body was very kind and realistic. After Carter, I admit, I have been struggling. I have been praying for personal kindness and vision to see the good, but (as many women understand) it has been an uphill battle. The other night I came across this wonderful site (Beauty Redefined). Among several of the articles I read, I read about getting your body back after having a baby. The author's friend is photographed in the article, with the words "I am beauty redefined" written on her body. As I looked at her picture and read the article, I had another run in with truth– I am okay, better yet, I am beautiful, I am known. I held back tears of gratitude for the answer to my prayers and of thanks to this sweet woman who shared a truth: our bodies change and that's okay! Beauty isn't in a perfect bod, beauty is in who you are, what you give yourself to, and in your divinity.

In a world that can feel like it is dripping in polluted corruption, I am thankful for the moments I find truth. I am thankful I can have spiritual moments in my day to day living. I know God is real. I know He loves us. I know He is in the details- that's where I see Him the best. I know He is teaching me. I know He cares. I couldn't be more grateful for this knowledge. Truth is power.

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