Sunday, January 19, 2014


My sweet friend, Whittlee, just had their sweet baby girl, Navy, this evening. My heart is full of love and joy for these dear friends of ours. I see Navy's precious, fresh face and my heart becomes flooded as memories of my new born boys come to mind. Labor is the hardest, sweetest experience. There are few words to accurately describe the exhaustion of the experience that is then followed by pure exquisite joy.

I am thankful for seasons of life. I am thankful to be in the season where I am creating my family. My boys are changing me and teaching me every day. They are encouraging me to be less selfish and more giving; more patient and loving. They teach me what it is to do things wrong and how to turn around and do it right.

Parenthood is hard. You're raising another human being who has their own personality and dispositions. You cannot control them no matter how badly you would like to, and that can be, quite frankly, scary. On the reverse side, it is also humbling. You begin to realize that your kids have tremendous potential for all that is good and wonderful in this world.

I am glad to know that even though I am far from being a perfect parent, I have a perfect Father in Heaven who is divinely invested in the welfare of my children, and because of this He will help me and my children. President Joseph Fielding Smith has said, "I feel most assuredly that our Father in heaven is far more interested in a soul—one of his children—than it is possible for an earthly father to be in one of his children. His love for us is greater than can be the love of an earthly parent for his offspring" ( Teachings of the Presidents of the Church, Joseph Fielding Smith, 42).

I feel that is true. As thrilling as it is as a parent to watch your child enter into a new phase of life and development, I am positive our Father in Heaven rejoices as He sees His spirit children come into this world, grow and develop, and cultivate their spiritual gifts through the proper use of their agency. I am hopeful that as my sons grow they will choose to use their agency wisely, and that I will be inspired by the spirit to know how to best guide and help them.

Congrats to my dear friends, the Hamblins, as they begin the fun journey of being parents!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

A New Year

I am blessed to have a dear group of women who I can talk about a gospel subject with each month. The gospel of Jesus Christ is who I am. I love the Lord with all of my heart, and I delight in being able to talk with others about eternal truths. For the last several days I have felt to begin the year on my blog by recording my testimony of my Father in Heaven and my Savior.

I love the Lord. That statement cannot be overused to me because it is the simple, deep feeling of my heart. "He is my joy and my song" to quote a familiar hymn. I know He knows and loves me. I know God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are three separate personages. I know God cares deeply about our spiritual progression. I know this because He has proven to me time and time again His willingness to be in the details of my life.

A friend tonight shared an experience her friend had which she related as she taught a group of young women of our church. This friend explained that we must "keep coming unto Christ." I know this to be true. Life and its unpredictable trials/ experiences will always demand for us to be faced with the choice: do we choose Christ or not?

I have seen so clearly the polarizing issues that have arose during my short life, and I see, with similar clarity, the daily need to choose Christ over every issue, without exception. Faith wouldn't be faith if it didn't require effort and trust.

I believe in Christ. He is my hope (or assurance). He is my advocate. He is my respected friend. I have felt and continue to believe in His divine healing.

With this year ahead of me, I look forward to the faith promoting experiences I will be granted. I look back with fondness at the tender mercies I have experienced, expressly that of giving birth to our dear Carter, and the tremendous joy and light he has added to our home. I have seen clearly God's hand in my family, and thank Him for our blessings. I rejoice in being a wife and mother and feel it a deep honor and noble calling to be both.

All that I am I owe to my God.