Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Grass Is Greener Where?

When we lived in Atlantic, Iowa a year ago, our thoughts were, "we can't wait to move to the next place!" When we lived in Eden Prairie, Minnesota a few months later, despite enjoying ourselves there a lot, our thoughts were, "man! We can't wait to get moving to the next project (to get out of this hotel!)" Once we moved to Dodge City, Kansas a few months later we thought, "man... The next move is coming right up. We can't wait to get out of podunk Dodge!" And now that we are settled down in Las Vegas, Nevada for an indefinitely long period of time we think back and say, "aw... I miss this about Atlantic..." or "Remember this about Minnesota..." or "I miss so and so from Dodge."

Friday night we watched, "Midnight In Paris" for our date. We both really enjoyed the movie, and took away from the it to make our present our ideal time. Our abundant moving was a hassle, and I am still very grateful for the opportunity to be grounded to one city for a long time; but we gained more than we could have imagine from all our moving around. We had a lot of ideal experiences while being traveling gypsies. I know we recognized people's friendliness and kindness to us then, but I don't think we realized how out of the ordinary it was. We didn't realize how many gems we would encounter, and how their compassionate love and sincere desires to know us would impact our hearts.

I am like my sweet grandma, Beth. She and I need friends like flowers need sunshine to flourish. Our permanent situation hasn't brought us the quick friendships we anticipated (like in all the other areas we've lived). I struggle privately (and now publicly...) with this a lot. It is consistently in my petitions to the Lord to know how to make real connections with people, or maybe even A connection at all with them. I have been blessed with small moments of friendship, for which I know are heaven sent tender mercies to me. Although struggles are never comfortable it has helped me to gain a deeper love and gratitude to all those who have opened their hearts to my sweet little family, and who have taken us in without a backwards glance. We have received so much love and warmth that I have a tremendously full heart. The grass has always been green in our pasture; sometimes we have just been too close to the greenery to recognize its vibrancy.

I have yet to receive a miracle solution to my petitions to God; but I know he is listening and will help meet my needs by either changing my heart and giving me new eyes to see through, or by helping me to be proactive in a new way that I have yet to figure out and therefore will lead us to the real sincere friends we need (and who hopefully need us as well); And in the mean time, I am thankful for the green pasture we do have; for all of our incredible, loving family and friends who we are not privileged to live close to at this time.
It is a blessing and curse to have such incredible people in our lives who live just too far away!!

Our pasture is green, and I do recognize God's love and tender mercies performed on our behalf... I am a blessed girl to have God care for me.

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