Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Little Experiment

Around the time William was born, I made a goal for myself to hold off on social media (Internet, tv, or even a book I'm reading for fun) until I have read my scriptures for the day. I haven't been perfect at it, but that's not the important thing! I've started to notice a huge blessing it brings, besides the blessing of starting my day off right with the spirit.
The mornings where I promptly sit down and read my scriptures after putting Will down for his morning nap, William sleeps significantly longer (we're talking an hour or more longer... Ya!) It is incredible to me! This morning I tried to put William down for his morning nap with the intention of working on getting some pictures ready to print (see, I told you I'm not 100% on my goal!) I began working on the pictures and William was bawling, which is not typical for him. He finally fell asleep, but then a few minutes later he was bawling again. I thought, "Geeze! What is wrong?? I know he's tired... What should I do?" Then I looked at what I was doing and realized the problem. I put my picture project on hold, grabbed my scriptures and sat down to read. Immediately (no joke) William stopped crying and settled in for his nap. That was at 9:30ish, and it's now 12. I told ya, his naps are incredible when I do what's most important first: READ MY SCRIPTURES!
A part of my analytical side wants to say, "that's just by chance that Will naps better when you read your scriptures first..." but the deeper, more spiritually connected side of me doesn't let me dismiss this huge blessing as nothing. I know God blesses us as we put Him first. It follows His laws and His order; when we place Him first He can't withhold the natural blessings that come because of our choices.

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