Tuesday, February 4, 2014

My Mormon Faith: Repentance

I am a Mormon, and I believe in the power of change.

Christ's life was peculiar in many ways, foremost because He lived a perfect life, a life devoid of sin, which no man had or has. As Latter-day Saints, we follow Christ's example. We try the best we can to live by high moral standards, which in many ways separates us from popular trends in current culture. And while our hearts are, most often, filled with good intentions, we make mistakes and have many wrongs to right. This is part of being human; part of our mortal experience.

I believe we, as individuals both Mormon and not, have incredible capacity for change and growth. From my earliest recollections, I have been taught that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world– our Brother and Redeemer. I have come to know personally that it is through His infinite and eternal atonement that true, deep, and pure change is brought about.

The scriptures teach, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13). I love my Savior. I know His atonement applies as much to me as it does to anyone of God's children. I am thankful for the chance to change and become better. I am thankful to know that I have an Advocate with the Father– someone who is rooting for me, and pleading my cause.

I have always looked at life with the hope of becoming; "becoming what?" you might ask. Becoming more than I currently am; becoming more forgiving, more compassionate, more pure, more able to serve God and be God's. It is important to make good choices, but too often when we have made a bad choice we feel that all is lost and we underestimate our capacity for change. We are right to be fearful of our ability to really change if we are solely relying on ourselves; we are all together wrong though if we remember that we are never in it alone- that we have Christ to rely on to help us make real, permanent change for the better.

I believe the scriptures as they talk of Christ. I have come to know Him and see/ feel of His divine influence in my life. God is not some mythical being out probing the tentacles of space. He is our Father, our Creator, and is mindful of us. "Why would God care about me, I'm just one person on this huge earth?" you may ask. He cares because He created you. He cares because each experience you have matters in your eternal, spiritual progression. You are of worth to Him, and He has sent His Son to atone for you.

I believe in God the Father and Jesus Christ. I believe in change. I believe in pure repentance. I believe in eternity.

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