Wednesday, August 29, 2012

"Just" A Stay At Home Mom

Whenever I meet people I go through the same initial drum roll questions and answers. They're great "getting-to-know-you" inquiries that eventually lead to either, "what do you do?" or "do you work or...?" At first (especially when I was only expecting William) I was a little hesitant to say that I simply stay at home; especially because I worked my toosh off to get a degree in education that I'm stinkin' proud of!
I have often wondered why it is that I have felt the need to have a job title tacked on to my "introduction" to people to really feel like I am received (or even perceived) in a bright, competent light- Almost as if saying staying at home means that I am in general a lazy person, or don't have enough drive to take on the home front and the work force at the same time. I have also wondered about women in generations past where it was common, even expected for them to say at home. How did they feel about their tasks and who they were individually (did they feel fulfilled in their roles)? While I am sure there are many answers I could find to these questions, I had a big one dawn on me just recently.
House chores are an endless burden. It's what women can easily complain about, "ugh! I just cleaned the floor to have Sam spill sticky juice all over it!" It feels nice to vent, but more so I think us women just like having things to talk about- especially the things that we're doing 24-7! Not to take away from the annoyance spilled juice on a clean floor really can be, but I feel like I have turned over a new leaf and gained better perspective into the life and role of a stay at home mom (aka ME).
In any career, you work your hardest to be able to succeed. You stoke the right people's egos (and hopefully out of genuine care and real sincerity ;)), you put in extra hours to get things polished and up to par, and you research new innovative ideas to be more streamlined and efficient. You also try to maintain a good, if not excellent, report with the people you serve. If this is the attitude towards a career in the work force, why not apply it to the career of being a stay at home mom?
I worked hard as a college student, student teacher, and TITLE intervention teacher to succeed and progress. I learned, changed, and adapted to new situations. I put a lot of effort into being successful- especially in areas where success meant everything to my career goals. As I have transitioned from my school and career drive to being a stay at home mom, I have lagged that spirited push for achievement that brought me a lot of personal satisfaction. At first I found myself hopelessly bored and hungry for a challenge. William has helped satiate that hunger (he can keep a crowed busy ;)), but I still have that longing to push myself to learn new methods and achieve personal success on a daily basis.
With help of my budget frenzy kick, I have had a beautiful realization hit me! Those women in generations past I mentioned before weren't lacking for any drive. They got the big picture about what it means to be a stay at home mom. They knew instinctively that their natural drive for success could easily be fulfilled in house keeping and child rearing. They knew they didn't have to look farther than the four walls surrounding them to achieve challenges many people seek in the work force. They ran a tight ship, and made teaching their children, hard work, and seeking new talents a priority.
I have just come to realize the vast areas at which I can succeed, and at which I can learn to become better in being a stay at home mom. I have realized that dreaded house cleaning doesn't need to be so dreaded after all. There is a lot of time I seek to fill just so that I can play off the, "I'm just too busy to clean today..." mantra. I have begun to feel the deep satisfaction that comes from having a consistently clean house; not one that is spotless (because trust me, I'm not immaculate by an stretch of the imagination!), just one that is orderly and calming to the mind! I have begun to feel the extra energy my day is filled with when I wake up to a house that was put back in order the night before so I could start the day on top. It makes me feel excited and reenergized about my role as a stay at home mom in all of its well rounded forms. There are more areas than being the sassiest taxi driver on the block that I am looking forward to achieving as a SAHM ;)

Chalk this one up on my gratitude list too! I'm one blessed momma to have the job I do!

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