Thursday, January 17, 2013


I came across this quote the other day and can't get it out of my mind, "I consider charity-or 'the pure love of Christ'-to be the opposite of criticism and judging. In speaking of charity, I do not at this moment have in mind the relief of the suffering through the giving of our substance. That, of course, is necessary and proper. Tonight, however, I have in mind the charity that manifests itself when we are tolerant of others and lenient toward their actions, the kind of charity that forgives, the kind of charity that is patient” (“Charity Never Faileth,” general Relief Society meeting, Sept. 25, 2010).

My heart feels full when I read that. This type of charity is so needed. I think of all the times we as humans make mistakes; they're not all done privately. Sadly our shortcomings and imperfect understanding of concepts and situations is displayed to a wide audience of family, friends, colleagues, and peers. It is a beautiful quality to be able to see these shortcomings in ourselves and others and have the charity to forgive them. Think of the unity this provides. Think of the comfort this offers. It is truly magnificent!

Working in Relief Society (women's organization of my church), we rub shoulders with a wide array of sisters. Some we easily agree with, some we easily disagree with. When charity is cultivated- the type that forgives and withholds judgement- we can work together in harmony, and can produce lessons, activities, and service where we feel that we are of one heart and one mind. That is something truly extraordinary!

Popular shows encourage women to be harsh and vulgar with each other, always looking for the shortcoming in the "competition." They show women who have no self control and spread hurtful facts or lies about another woman just to have something to talk about and to make themselves look better. This type of behavior is heart sickening. It removes all class from being a woman and degrades us to being self absorbed brats. When I hear of things like this, I think about how different their lives could be if they practiced the charity mentioned above. If they learned their identity as daughters of God, and then chose to act accordingly; in respect to who thy divinely are, controlling their words and putting their efforts towards the strengthening and building up of the people around them. The world at large could use more role models like that.

Sadly, I don't see these shows going off the air any time soon (shucks!), but what I do see is women of God rising to the call to be a standard for the nations. Women who truly understand their identity, who love their Father in Heaven and Savior, and who beautifully exemplify this love through pure charity towards themselves and all others they associate with. You don't have to know a woman like this super personally to be able to recognize her. She radiates goodness and kindness, and others are drawn to her because of it.

Our days our filled with opportunities to choose. The choice to be more like a daughter of God is consciously made and accomplished as we make the choice to abandon bad behaviors (like talking about the negative stuff in another person) and replacing it with something better (mentioning something they did well, or talking about an event you were apart of). Women of God set themselves apart as unique and different. There are prices to pay but all come with ample compensation.

Today I am choosing charity; the charity that forgives myself and others, the charity that withholds judgement.

1 comment:

  1. Very wise words my dear! I love you. Our nation needs more unity and love, and less division and envy.
