Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Welcome 2013!

True confessions... I get annoyed when people say things like, "I'm going to make 2013 the best year ever!" because in my mind I'm thinking, "you realize you have little control over that, and things that happened in the last year to make it bite will still happen..." That's my cynical confession.

On the other hand, I really do admire people for their optimistic hope that as a new year rounds the corner they are going to try their best to accomplish goals that will make them a better person.

I Facebook blabbed a comment made in church that struck me in a good way. The speaker started out by saying, "let's make 2013 the best year..." and in my mind I rolled my eyes thinking, "not you too..." but then he continued by explaining, "some people choose to focus on material things like a fancy house, car, or clothes, other people fixate on their bodies and their image..." Then here is what hit me, he said, "but let's you and me make 2013 the best year for choosing Him." It was one of those moments where a flood of emotion hit me and I had to look down to keep the tears from stinging my eyes too badly. It was a simple phrase that I directly needed to hear for my new year.

I think I could aptly describe myself as being a person of faith for my whole life. The last several years I've really tried to take it to a personal level; not just the exterior motions like attending church and church functions, but really developing a relationship with God and studying His word. It has made a beautiful difference.

When I think about all the "important" things in life, I realize the most important thing of all is who I allow myself to become. There are a lot of distractions and detours along the way, and plenty of people rooting for your gradual demise (misery loves company, right?) But I want to be able to be quietly known as a person who held to the right stuff, if only for my kids and husband to recognize and benefit from.

This new year, I realize the best goal I can make is to know Christ better. Then all my other goals (like being an involved mom and wife, staying fit and healthy through good nutrition and exercise) will fall into their proper place.

Here's to a new year and to the best year for choosing Him!

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