Wednesday, August 29, 2012

"Just" A Stay At Home Mom

Whenever I meet people I go through the same initial drum roll questions and answers. They're great "getting-to-know-you" inquiries that eventually lead to either, "what do you do?" or "do you work or...?" At first (especially when I was only expecting William) I was a little hesitant to say that I simply stay at home; especially because I worked my toosh off to get a degree in education that I'm stinkin' proud of!
I have often wondered why it is that I have felt the need to have a job title tacked on to my "introduction" to people to really feel like I am received (or even perceived) in a bright, competent light- Almost as if saying staying at home means that I am in general a lazy person, or don't have enough drive to take on the home front and the work force at the same time. I have also wondered about women in generations past where it was common, even expected for them to say at home. How did they feel about their tasks and who they were individually (did they feel fulfilled in their roles)? While I am sure there are many answers I could find to these questions, I had a big one dawn on me just recently.
House chores are an endless burden. It's what women can easily complain about, "ugh! I just cleaned the floor to have Sam spill sticky juice all over it!" It feels nice to vent, but more so I think us women just like having things to talk about- especially the things that we're doing 24-7! Not to take away from the annoyance spilled juice on a clean floor really can be, but I feel like I have turned over a new leaf and gained better perspective into the life and role of a stay at home mom (aka ME).
In any career, you work your hardest to be able to succeed. You stoke the right people's egos (and hopefully out of genuine care and real sincerity ;)), you put in extra hours to get things polished and up to par, and you research new innovative ideas to be more streamlined and efficient. You also try to maintain a good, if not excellent, report with the people you serve. If this is the attitude towards a career in the work force, why not apply it to the career of being a stay at home mom?
I worked hard as a college student, student teacher, and TITLE intervention teacher to succeed and progress. I learned, changed, and adapted to new situations. I put a lot of effort into being successful- especially in areas where success meant everything to my career goals. As I have transitioned from my school and career drive to being a stay at home mom, I have lagged that spirited push for achievement that brought me a lot of personal satisfaction. At first I found myself hopelessly bored and hungry for a challenge. William has helped satiate that hunger (he can keep a crowed busy ;)), but I still have that longing to push myself to learn new methods and achieve personal success on a daily basis.
With help of my budget frenzy kick, I have had a beautiful realization hit me! Those women in generations past I mentioned before weren't lacking for any drive. They got the big picture about what it means to be a stay at home mom. They knew instinctively that their natural drive for success could easily be fulfilled in house keeping and child rearing. They knew they didn't have to look farther than the four walls surrounding them to achieve challenges many people seek in the work force. They ran a tight ship, and made teaching their children, hard work, and seeking new talents a priority.
I have just come to realize the vast areas at which I can succeed, and at which I can learn to become better in being a stay at home mom. I have realized that dreaded house cleaning doesn't need to be so dreaded after all. There is a lot of time I seek to fill just so that I can play off the, "I'm just too busy to clean today..." mantra. I have begun to feel the deep satisfaction that comes from having a consistently clean house; not one that is spotless (because trust me, I'm not immaculate by an stretch of the imagination!), just one that is orderly and calming to the mind! I have begun to feel the extra energy my day is filled with when I wake up to a house that was put back in order the night before so I could start the day on top. It makes me feel excited and reenergized about my role as a stay at home mom in all of its well rounded forms. There are more areas than being the sassiest taxi driver on the block that I am looking forward to achieving as a SAHM ;)

Chalk this one up on my gratitude list too! I'm one blessed momma to have the job I do!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Overwhelmingly Grateful

My heart is full of gratitude. We have received so many answers to our prayers lately. I am overwhelmed by the compassion our Heavenly Father has on my family. He listens to us from the big things to the small things, and everything in between! These are the things that have been swarming me with untold amounts of gratitude lately:

1. Our prayers were answered to find a new job that gave us family time. I didn't realize how starved my relationship with Richard was. We did the absolute best we could with the time and situation we had (and were doing well, don't get me wrong!) I have been bursting at the seams though with love and gratitude for this thoughtful man. We have been able to do so much more together. I love his company, intelligence, and devotion.

2. We were blessed to be able to trade in our truck, sell our trailer, and purchase a commuter car with a little bit extra to cover the cost of a moving van. All of these things were individual prayer that weighed on us considerably. Heavenly Father put us in touch with the right people at the right time and gave us the proper inspiration when we needed it. Truly a blessing.

3. We are going to live in a HOUSE! We get to put down some serious roots here! No matter what our initial insecurities are, we are living in an incredible area and get to expand our lives, meet new friends, serve more fully, and raise our beautiful family in one area. I have fretted about not having enough furnishings to make our house beautiful and cozy, when I should be spending that time thanking the dear Lord we have an incredible roof over our heads, food on our tables, and the chance to grow into a home bit by bit.

4. I am tearfully grateful for all the incredible friends I have made while moving around so much.
-Laura Nielsen was the first of many friends I made on our crazy job adventure. She talked baby with me and showed me awesome ideas of things to do as a mommy. She helped me feel excited about the next step, and kept me from going crazy bored in the Eden Prairie hotel.
-Rebecca Phillips was my first friend in Atlantic. She and her hubby gave us a list of available houses to look for our first Sunday and first day in town. She took me to all my prenatal appointments, while she patiently waited in the foyer with a baby and a two year old. She helped me get prepared for finally having William, gave us clothes they didn't needed for baby and even gave me maternity clothes. She and her family made Atlantic feel like home.
-Laurel McCance saved me from boredom by taking me out to lunch every week so I wouldn't be trapped inside all day. She took me to buy groceries (one car w/ Rich all day limited my mobility). She kept me company, listened to my stories, and showed me around Atlantic. She was an unexpected friend (because she's older than me), but more needed than I could have anticipated.
-Christine Bare was the pea in my pod. I could relate to everything she was going through and she me. She was the first non-family member to watch William for us (so we could celebrate our anniversary), and was the shoulder I needed to lean on. I could talk to her for hours and not realize the time had passed. She was invested in the well being of my family and I hers, and it meant the world to me.
As I reflect back to these people and their recent roles in my life, I know they have been answers to my prayers. I am the type of person that always and forever will need a good friend, and they have been the answer to my consistent prayer for such a friend wherever I am.

5. I am grateful for the sweet baby I get to call my own. He is a wonder. He is loving, innocent, and loyal. I am thankful to be his mother. He is a boy with tremendous potential. I love him with all my heart, and plead to qualify for the spiritual guidance needed to be the best mother to him I can be.

6. I am grateful for the beautiful promise of the future, and the willingness of God to answer my prayers. Life always brings a hurdle to jump over; I am glad I am being trained how to run the race well.

While in the shower tonight, I had this bit of inspiration come to my mind:
Our life stories don't always go exactly how we imagined them. Some events come sooner, others come later, and some never occur at all. Throughout the novel it's important to remember that it's the Editor's notes that make it a master piece.
I am thankful for the little decisions that have lead me to where I am now. They have produced incredible miracles.

Life is so richly blessed when I strive to see it as such.

Thursday, August 16, 2012


My friend from back in Dodge City recently shared this Mormon Message about the Priesthood:

(I am not sure how to share the video directly on here, so the link will have to suffice for now.)

The older I get, the younger I realize these young men are who pass and administer the sacrament, and who are blessed with the beginning power to act in God's name and His ordinances. I am impressed by the significant trust God gives to young 12 year old boys to serve in His name. I am impressed that He trusts 19 year old boys to go out and preach His word. As a mother it makes sense though. You don't teach your child in a day what you want them to be like forever. You teach them repetitively, day in and day out, and then some day down the line you hope it all sticks and you can see them acting and living the way you taught them to.
I feel this is why God gives these young boys the early responsibility to act in His name. He is seeking for them to be life long servants to Him and those they are around. He is teaching them how to bear responsibility with dignity and respect early in their lives; and He is teaching them early their power to do good in this world.

As I watched the Mormon Message video it reinforced a strong feeling I have had lately to do all I can to teach my sweet William, and other boys of I am blessed to have more, the sacred responsibility it is to be a holder of the Priesthood. I want him to understand early its significance and lasting importance. I want him to, if anything, understand that being a holder of the Priesthood is a sacred trust and to bear it with dignity and respect. It makes me teary to picture my sweet William passing the sacrament and futuristically blessing his home, wife and kids, with the power of God.
From examples in my life, the Priesthood of God transforms ordinary men into extraordinary, loving men. I hope deeply for this for my baby. There is no greater blessing I could see come to my baby than to have him take hold of the truths we teach him and to watch him grow in that light and knowledge.

I am infinitely blessed because of the extraordinary men in my life who have allowed themselves to be shaped and molded by God's careful hand.


A lot changes between the time when you first get married to even a couple years down the line. When Rich and I were newly newly weds, I wanted HIM to be the one to create our budget for us and keep track of how we were doing that month financially. He on the other hand wanted ME to be the one to create it and keep track of it. So we spent the first year (probably year and a half...) of us having a roughly etched out budget that neither of us visited ever. We always knew we were in the positive and up to date on payments like bills etc, but weren't sticking to our guns.
Something somewhere along the lines clicked with me, and I have budgeting fever! I think it's because I finally got a BIG term picture in my mind when we started talking about buying a house, and I wanted to do my part to help us reach that goal (since I'm not the bread winner, but the baby chaser in our house). We have since laid out a realistic budget for us, and I have been laboring my tooshie off to make sure we stay within our perimeters. It has been fun, stressful, rewarding, and time consuming. I have pinned countless money saving tips on pintrest, a lot of which make me feel like I am totally going to dominate this budgeting gig!
While budgeting has been fun, I feel so desperate to "win" at it that it has been stressing me out. I feel like our budget is sink or swim (in many ways it is), and how do I stay a float when we have so much to juggle? Maybe we just eat a ton (okay, there's no maybe to it... We all eat a ton in this house!), and we have so many fun things we want to get for our new house that I feel like the belt around my budget is starting to give way. It panics me! Like I said before, I desperately want to succeed at our budgeting (it's a fun goal and task for me to achieve, and makes me feel proud that I can take care of my family without breaking the bank).
My drive for success in this area has caused me to pause and say many prayers. Prayers to lead me to success, to have a clear mind, to find good deals, and to know what is realistic for us. I have been blessed with many of those things, and the additional blessing of a supportive husband who cheers me on, follows my rigid guidelines, and helps me regain perspective when the dollar signs to everything start spiraling out of control in front of me! I am so blessed to have a great friend in him. I am so blessed to even have this predicament! I am so blessed to have challenges to think about, solve, and get better at. I am glad that for some reason budgeting has clicked for me now; it has given Rich and me a lot of fun things to talk about and plan for. It has also challenged my mind in areas I was seeking to be challenged (I love having ownership over things and finding a way to succeed).
So whether I sink or I swim, I am glad for little changes in personal interest!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

A Loving Father

A while back I read the book, "A Return to Virtue" by Sister Dalton. In part of her book, she shared a thought in her chapter "raising up a virtuous generation" that resonated with me and made me think of my dad and me.
She explains, "...[Christ] had a close relationship with His Father. I think that relationship and pattern was established by his earthly father, Joseph, as he worked side by side with his son. It feels to me that as Jesus was daily tutored by His earthly father, Joseph, in informal settings, it was a simple matter to know of His Heavenly Father. I think Jesus knew that His Heavenly Father loved Him because He also knew and experienced His earthly father's love and companionship" (105).
In church today, a sister bore her testimony, and expressed that due to the lack of her father in her life, she has had a very hard time believing that we have a Heavenly Father that loves us and is concerned for us. My heart ached for her, because my experience in life has been the complete opposite. The relationship I have with my dad has been a source of light and consistency in my life. My dad has always sought to bring out the best in me, and remind me of my intrinsic value and worth when I seem to forget it. Just the other night, while on the phone with him, I explained how I feel a little bit intimidated by our new ward, the vast amount of talent in it, and the need for a friend. He replied by saying, "they're the ones who are intimidated!" It hit me that weather I'm right, or he's right, or we're both wrong all together, I am so blessed to have a dad who thinks the world of me, and who reminds me that I'm a good person with good talents.
As I listened to the sister in sacrament meeting and reflected back on this experience with my dad, it hit me that he offered validation that my Heavenly Father wants to give me too. I clearly thought: when I forget my worth or my strengths, I [Heavenly Father] can always see them and I never forget your value. I am very blessed to have a wonderful father who makes it easy for me to believe and trust that I have a loving Heavenly Father who cares for me, listens to me, and helps me.
I am also blessed to be married to a man who is loving, kind, supportive, and a wonderful father. I have no doubt that he will teach our sons how to be great men, protectors, and loving spouses and parents. I have no doubt that he will set the bar impossibly high for our daughters when they are looking for a spouse because he will teach them how a man should treat them, and how to receive and reciprocate healthy love and relationships. It is a sacred responsibility to teach our children how to be good, honest individuals, loving friends and family members, creative and talented kids, and future spouses and parents. I understand clearly that my children will emulate the behaviors I teach them more by actions than by words. I pray my guts out that they will see the good in my heart because God knows well how often I fall short! I am grateful though to be the one to be an example of how to love and treat people well because I feel like love is the one thing I really can offer up.
I hope more than anything that Rich and I can make it easy for our children to believe there is a God who loves them and is constantly wanting the best for them because they experience those things with us. I know life can be lonely and unsure at times, but I know that if my children can experience that total trust that God loves them like I have, they will make it through impossible things. The family unit (mom, dad, kids, etc) is absolutely inspired. I am eternally blessed because of it.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A Heart Full of Gratitude

Change is a never ending story in our neck of the woods. We've made it to our new city, Rich has started his new job, and we've partially moved in to our temporary new place until our new home is ready. Life couldn't be more blessed. On Sunday, the lady giving her talk in church explained how the more specific we are in our prayers to God, the more specific He will be in answering us. Forgetting all the past experiences I've had over the last X amount of years, this last week has been a testament to that woman's statement.
In coming out here to Las Vegas, we realized that we will raise our family here for a good portion of their lives; and since we'll be in this city for a long time we wanted to be carefully attune to where the Lord would have us live to maximize our growth potential. This led us to our knees day in and day out asking for guidance and inspiration on what house we should buy, if we should buy, and how much we should spend for it. I tried to be very specific with Heavenly Father, asking for both Richard and I to feel really good about the decision, for us to differentiate between excitement and inspiration, and for us to do whatever His will was no matter what. We also found ourselves on our knees often asking for help with William. Since we looked for houses right when we got here, we didn't know anyone who could watch Will (especially anyone we'd really trust). That meant that he was going with us to every house missing all 3 naps he takes.
It was incredible to see how the Lord answered our prayers. William was an incredible champ. He was a bit squirmy, and began to fear the car every time we walked towards it, but he held onto his cheerful self so we could house hunt. Our prayers were also specifically answered on the house to choose. We had several homes where either Rich or myself would really like, but the other person didn't feel right about it. We knew this was a sign from Heavenly Father to keep looking.
The whole process has me filled with gratitude. I am amazed at Heavenly Father's kindness, His ability to help us, and care for us. My heart is bursting at the seams; not only did Heavenly Father listen to our prayers asking for the opportunity to obtain a different job with family-friendly hours, but he has blessed us with the opportunity and means to settle down. I know Heavenly Father cares for us.
Truman G. Madsen explained how to acknowledge there is a God, a divine being, is to acknowledge that He has a say in your life. I am glad I know God is real, and I am glad He has a say in my life. He leads me to far better things than I could ever achieve on my own! Truly, my heart is full of gratitude!