Sunday, August 5, 2012

A Loving Father

A while back I read the book, "A Return to Virtue" by Sister Dalton. In part of her book, she shared a thought in her chapter "raising up a virtuous generation" that resonated with me and made me think of my dad and me.
She explains, "...[Christ] had a close relationship with His Father. I think that relationship and pattern was established by his earthly father, Joseph, as he worked side by side with his son. It feels to me that as Jesus was daily tutored by His earthly father, Joseph, in informal settings, it was a simple matter to know of His Heavenly Father. I think Jesus knew that His Heavenly Father loved Him because He also knew and experienced His earthly father's love and companionship" (105).
In church today, a sister bore her testimony, and expressed that due to the lack of her father in her life, she has had a very hard time believing that we have a Heavenly Father that loves us and is concerned for us. My heart ached for her, because my experience in life has been the complete opposite. The relationship I have with my dad has been a source of light and consistency in my life. My dad has always sought to bring out the best in me, and remind me of my intrinsic value and worth when I seem to forget it. Just the other night, while on the phone with him, I explained how I feel a little bit intimidated by our new ward, the vast amount of talent in it, and the need for a friend. He replied by saying, "they're the ones who are intimidated!" It hit me that weather I'm right, or he's right, or we're both wrong all together, I am so blessed to have a dad who thinks the world of me, and who reminds me that I'm a good person with good talents.
As I listened to the sister in sacrament meeting and reflected back on this experience with my dad, it hit me that he offered validation that my Heavenly Father wants to give me too. I clearly thought: when I forget my worth or my strengths, I [Heavenly Father] can always see them and I never forget your value. I am very blessed to have a wonderful father who makes it easy for me to believe and trust that I have a loving Heavenly Father who cares for me, listens to me, and helps me.
I am also blessed to be married to a man who is loving, kind, supportive, and a wonderful father. I have no doubt that he will teach our sons how to be great men, protectors, and loving spouses and parents. I have no doubt that he will set the bar impossibly high for our daughters when they are looking for a spouse because he will teach them how a man should treat them, and how to receive and reciprocate healthy love and relationships. It is a sacred responsibility to teach our children how to be good, honest individuals, loving friends and family members, creative and talented kids, and future spouses and parents. I understand clearly that my children will emulate the behaviors I teach them more by actions than by words. I pray my guts out that they will see the good in my heart because God knows well how often I fall short! I am grateful though to be the one to be an example of how to love and treat people well because I feel like love is the one thing I really can offer up.
I hope more than anything that Rich and I can make it easy for our children to believe there is a God who loves them and is constantly wanting the best for them because they experience those things with us. I know life can be lonely and unsure at times, but I know that if my children can experience that total trust that God loves them like I have, they will make it through impossible things. The family unit (mom, dad, kids, etc) is absolutely inspired. I am eternally blessed because of it.

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