Thursday, August 23, 2012

Overwhelmingly Grateful

My heart is full of gratitude. We have received so many answers to our prayers lately. I am overwhelmed by the compassion our Heavenly Father has on my family. He listens to us from the big things to the small things, and everything in between! These are the things that have been swarming me with untold amounts of gratitude lately:

1. Our prayers were answered to find a new job that gave us family time. I didn't realize how starved my relationship with Richard was. We did the absolute best we could with the time and situation we had (and were doing well, don't get me wrong!) I have been bursting at the seams though with love and gratitude for this thoughtful man. We have been able to do so much more together. I love his company, intelligence, and devotion.

2. We were blessed to be able to trade in our truck, sell our trailer, and purchase a commuter car with a little bit extra to cover the cost of a moving van. All of these things were individual prayer that weighed on us considerably. Heavenly Father put us in touch with the right people at the right time and gave us the proper inspiration when we needed it. Truly a blessing.

3. We are going to live in a HOUSE! We get to put down some serious roots here! No matter what our initial insecurities are, we are living in an incredible area and get to expand our lives, meet new friends, serve more fully, and raise our beautiful family in one area. I have fretted about not having enough furnishings to make our house beautiful and cozy, when I should be spending that time thanking the dear Lord we have an incredible roof over our heads, food on our tables, and the chance to grow into a home bit by bit.

4. I am tearfully grateful for all the incredible friends I have made while moving around so much.
-Laura Nielsen was the first of many friends I made on our crazy job adventure. She talked baby with me and showed me awesome ideas of things to do as a mommy. She helped me feel excited about the next step, and kept me from going crazy bored in the Eden Prairie hotel.
-Rebecca Phillips was my first friend in Atlantic. She and her hubby gave us a list of available houses to look for our first Sunday and first day in town. She took me to all my prenatal appointments, while she patiently waited in the foyer with a baby and a two year old. She helped me get prepared for finally having William, gave us clothes they didn't needed for baby and even gave me maternity clothes. She and her family made Atlantic feel like home.
-Laurel McCance saved me from boredom by taking me out to lunch every week so I wouldn't be trapped inside all day. She took me to buy groceries (one car w/ Rich all day limited my mobility). She kept me company, listened to my stories, and showed me around Atlantic. She was an unexpected friend (because she's older than me), but more needed than I could have anticipated.
-Christine Bare was the pea in my pod. I could relate to everything she was going through and she me. She was the first non-family member to watch William for us (so we could celebrate our anniversary), and was the shoulder I needed to lean on. I could talk to her for hours and not realize the time had passed. She was invested in the well being of my family and I hers, and it meant the world to me.
As I reflect back to these people and their recent roles in my life, I know they have been answers to my prayers. I am the type of person that always and forever will need a good friend, and they have been the answer to my consistent prayer for such a friend wherever I am.

5. I am grateful for the sweet baby I get to call my own. He is a wonder. He is loving, innocent, and loyal. I am thankful to be his mother. He is a boy with tremendous potential. I love him with all my heart, and plead to qualify for the spiritual guidance needed to be the best mother to him I can be.

6. I am grateful for the beautiful promise of the future, and the willingness of God to answer my prayers. Life always brings a hurdle to jump over; I am glad I am being trained how to run the race well.

While in the shower tonight, I had this bit of inspiration come to my mind:
Our life stories don't always go exactly how we imagined them. Some events come sooner, others come later, and some never occur at all. Throughout the novel it's important to remember that it's the Editor's notes that make it a master piece.
I am thankful for the little decisions that have lead me to where I am now. They have produced incredible miracles.

Life is so richly blessed when I strive to see it as such.

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