Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A Heart Full of Gratitude

Change is a never ending story in our neck of the woods. We've made it to our new city, Rich has started his new job, and we've partially moved in to our temporary new place until our new home is ready. Life couldn't be more blessed. On Sunday, the lady giving her talk in church explained how the more specific we are in our prayers to God, the more specific He will be in answering us. Forgetting all the past experiences I've had over the last X amount of years, this last week has been a testament to that woman's statement.
In coming out here to Las Vegas, we realized that we will raise our family here for a good portion of their lives; and since we'll be in this city for a long time we wanted to be carefully attune to where the Lord would have us live to maximize our growth potential. This led us to our knees day in and day out asking for guidance and inspiration on what house we should buy, if we should buy, and how much we should spend for it. I tried to be very specific with Heavenly Father, asking for both Richard and I to feel really good about the decision, for us to differentiate between excitement and inspiration, and for us to do whatever His will was no matter what. We also found ourselves on our knees often asking for help with William. Since we looked for houses right when we got here, we didn't know anyone who could watch Will (especially anyone we'd really trust). That meant that he was going with us to every house missing all 3 naps he takes.
It was incredible to see how the Lord answered our prayers. William was an incredible champ. He was a bit squirmy, and began to fear the car every time we walked towards it, but he held onto his cheerful self so we could house hunt. Our prayers were also specifically answered on the house to choose. We had several homes where either Rich or myself would really like, but the other person didn't feel right about it. We knew this was a sign from Heavenly Father to keep looking.
The whole process has me filled with gratitude. I am amazed at Heavenly Father's kindness, His ability to help us, and care for us. My heart is bursting at the seams; not only did Heavenly Father listen to our prayers asking for the opportunity to obtain a different job with family-friendly hours, but he has blessed us with the opportunity and means to settle down. I know Heavenly Father cares for us.
Truman G. Madsen explained how to acknowledge there is a God, a divine being, is to acknowledge that He has a say in your life. I am glad I know God is real, and I am glad He has a say in my life. He leads me to far better things than I could ever achieve on my own! Truly, my heart is full of gratitude!

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