Thursday, September 8, 2011

Be Actively Engaged

(Written Aug. 21)

In the Doctrine and Covenants the Lord explains that, " should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness" (58:27).
While praying about my struggles to get settled in here and battling feeling complete and utter lack of understanding, I found myself asking for the desire to get to know people, to get out and participate in the world outside of my apartment, and to be able to find things that motivate me to increase, as well as develop my talents. Then the above mentioned scripture popped into my mind and I quickly had to go look it up.
A few things hit me with this scripture. First of all, I have to be the one who chooses to get involved in this new place. I can't leave it up to other people to make my feelings about this time of life change. I will forever be the one who chooses to take an active role in the world around me or to take a passive role. Either way I choose, but one way is going to help me be a lot happier than the other.
Second, it's okay to have this week to settle in and unpack, and it's okay to not immediately love my circumstances. Life requires adjustment periods, and now is no exception. It will take time to get used to my husband's work hours/schedule, it will take time to feel like I have cleaned our house enough for habitation, it will take time to really call this place"home", and it's ALL OKAY! For this realization I am very grateful.

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