Friday, September 2, 2011

Looking For Inspiration

Hauling your life across the country in a U-Haul with your sweetheart has some perks to it after all.
Since graduating in December, I've had this recurring thought, "So... what next??"  With me being pregnant, and my husband, Rich, graduating then landing a job that takes us all over the place, getting a teaching job becomes pretty hard.  To be perfectly honest, my life's real dream has always been to be a stay at home mom, but I have found myself floundering searching for some form of progression in my life that will uplift and inspire me during this "in between" phase.
My husband, being the fabulous listener he is, took all of this to heart, and on our drive across this lovely country he sprung this question on me out of the blue, "So, Jess, what are your goals right now?" My honest response was, "Buhh... duhh.. umm... Survive giving birth??" But then it got me really thinking, "What do I REALLY want to accomplish right now in this phase of my life? What will make me happy?"
Along with a list of other things I want to do with my life right now, the idea for this little blog was born.  A place where I can share with whomever, or no one at all, the little lessons life is throwing at me.  See, I'm not good at being really quirky and funny, in fact, most of the time I feel silly posting in my other blog because I don't have some funny little story or caption to post, so I end up resorting to the drab comments under pictures like, "Richard and Jessi at the park." Which I then read latter and think, "Well no duh!" But one thing I am good at is being sincere and teaching myself simple little lessons life throws at me, and I figure someone else out there might appreciate the truth about individual life.
And so here I go, one courageous step at a time, I'll share with you the silly things life constantly throws at me, and hopefully along the way you can relate to a few posts here and there!


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