Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Simplest Things

(Written Aug. 19)

Now that we have a two bedroom place and are where we'll be living when the baby is born, I can finally set up shop- aka baby's room!
It's amazing how the simplest things make my heart feel like it's glowing with pride. These are a few:
Seeing his tiny onsies/sleepers on his shelf,
Buying binki's for the first time,
Setting up his stroller and carseat,
Filling up my diaper bags with diapers, wipes, binki's, a blanket, homemade burpcloths, and clothes I want to see him in at the hospital,
Putting blankets in his pack n' play, and
Lining up little furry boots and shoes.
I feel so blessed to have this little boy growing inside me. I'll be honest that at times it is hard to give up my body, or rather my independence that came from being able to do x, y, and z withouth asking for help, but this is by far the most rewarding experience of my life. I know it is a gift and a miracle.
There is so much I don't know yet, but I simply  look forward to seeing the little boy he'll be. I trust parenting will be hard, but I couldn't have better examples in my life or a better spouse to help me learn to be the best mommy I can be.
Ten more weeks until I can hold my baby in my arms, see his beautiful face, and touch his small hands.

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