Thursday, September 8, 2011

I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go

(I wrote this back on Aug. 17th, just didn't have this here blog created yet ;))

There's a song we sing at church entitled, "I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go". The first verse reads, "It may not be on the mountain height, or over the stormy sea, it may not be on the battle's front My Lord will have need of me. But if, by a still, small voice he calls to lands that I do not know I'll answer, dear Lord, with my hand in thine; I'll go where you want me to go."
This song describes perfectly how I feel as of late. Rich has been blessed to get a job right out of college in these hard economic times, which is a huge blessing for our growing family.  It is also a little bit of a challenge because it requires us to move, a lot.
Last week was his first week of training in Minnesota.  As his week came to a close we found out where we'd be living for the next four months or so... Iowa. We now live in the biggest town near his project, consisting of 7,000 people. I thought I was from a small town, but not anymore.
With any big move, it presents the opportunity to grow and learn a lot.  It also presents an opportunity for Heavenly Father to touch your heart in ways He couldn't before.  I guess there really is a perk to the vulnerable position moves put you in.
Not knowing why we have been sent to this exact town for reasons other than work, I feel like this is exactly where we, and more imparticular, I am supposed to be right now. Despite how scared, overwhelmed, and unsure I am about a lot of things, I simply feel this is right where we are meant to be.
With this being the first move of many, I promise my Heavenly Father that no matter how scary, uncomfortable, or challenging any move will be, as long as He helps direct our path, I'll go anywhere He wants me to go and will stand bravely by my husband's side.

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