Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Something to Laugh About

This week, I’ve been taking some time to read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families, by Stephen R. Covey. There’s so much good stuff in it and I’m only forty pages in!  One of the things that stuck out to me as I read the other morning was about finding the humor in our lives. I’m a firm believer that humor can lighten up almost any situation, and should be used A LOT! 

This part from his book really jived with me:
“[Humor] puts things in proper perspective so that we don’t “sweat the small stuff.” It enables us to realize that, in a sense, all stuff is small.  It keeps us from taking ourselves too seriously and being constantly upright, constricted, demanding, overexacting, disproportionate, imbalanced, and perfectionistic.  It enables us to avoid the hazard of being so immersed in moral values or so wrapped up in moral rigidity that we’re blind to our own humanness and the realities of our situation” (34).

As I’ve kept that in mind I’ve thought about how I can apply it to my life, and today I got the chance… After staring blankly at my closet, not really wanting to wear any of my maternity shirts, I decided to bust out an old dedicated t-shirt.  I slipped it on despite it being a LOT tighter than it used to be, and proceeded to go do my hair. As soon as I got in front of the mirror I realized I had a problem… I was sporting pregnancy midriff, so hot! Instead of getting frustrated I simply had to laugh at how silly it looked!  I guess a maternity shirt it is for today… 

(This is the best shot I could manage one hand! But you get the idea, so silly!)

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